Icero+ 0°C Ice Point Calibration Bath
The Icero+ is an Ice point calibration bath that is an essential piece of equipment for any calibration laboratory that requires an accurate Ice point reference bath.
The Icero+ is both mains and battery powered making it ideal for on-site calibration work, especially when combined with our optional carry case. By using a mixture of ice cubes and distilled water, the Icero+ can maintain a temperature of 0°C ± 0.003°C for at least 8 hours. It is also possible to use tap water to achieve this performance, as we do in our laboratory. However, due to regional variations in water quality we can only guarantee the specification when distilled water is used.
This remarkable calibration bath is already used by leading calibration laboratories across the globe due to its accuracy, ease of use and affordability. Please get in touch if you would like more information.